MODE AND MECHANISM OF ACTION Organic Nitrogen. It enriches the soil, acts as a plant growth stimulator and increases the exchange capacity of the soil. Elaborated based on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, elements necessary for a good growth in the plant, it helps in the fruit set.
By-products of marine origin
Total Nitrogen 4% Phosphorus (P2O5) 6% Potassium (K2O) 1%
For vegetables, annual or seasonal crops, apply 6 to 25 liters per hectare every week until fruiting.
Apply through irrigation system.
Filtered at 200 µ (Micrans) for easy application in any irrigation system.
No time restrictions to enter the treated surfaces. It is not harmful to the operator, the environment or the beneficial fauna.
It is recommended for basic nutrition, to carry out a previous soil analysis.
PHYTAFISH® 4-6-1 can be mixed with any organic fertilizer without restriction
It is a flowable liquid product.
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