We Develop High Peformance Products

We lead the recycle of animal and sea origin subproducts, organic fertilizers, and frozen products.


We take our everyday with integrity, truth, and congruence according to the values we promote


We fulfill our commitments in the established date and way.


We value the human dignity, and accept the diversity, keeping a cordial and balanced treatment for everyone


Apelsa Guadalajara S.A DE C.V. is a 100% Mexican company, with more tan 40 years of experience in the investigation and industrialization of selected raw materials, from animal, sea, vegetal, and mineral origins. APELSA use advanced lab techniques, and the best equipments and industrial machines under the highest quality and sanity controls in the development of protein, organic fertilizers and activated carbon

Apelsa Guadalajara is part of GRUPO APELSA with more tan 65 years of experience in the investigation and making of protein concentrates. The group was founded by the Engineer Mario Lozano González.

Our highly qualified staff and a constant investment in technology, investigation and development of new and better products, become Apelsa one of the most competitive companies, having as our essential values the quality, service, and competitive prices in order to reach our final goal. “the absolute satisfaction of our customer”

Apelsa Guadalajara team is actually compound by the next factories:

  • Animal protein
  • Marine protein
  • Solid and liquid organic fertilizers
  • Activated carbon



The products are made in the factories located in the county of Tonalá in the suburban area of the Guadalajara City, obeying to the standards and tests required for an international quality level, service, boxing, and logistics in order to satisfy the requirements of our customers all around the world.

We count with the infrastructure and essential resources to adapt our production capability in order to the requirements of our customers guaranteeing continuous improvement and innovation in our products.

Apelsa Guadalajara, has an strong compromise with taking use of the animal and sea origin subproducts by getting processed and this way avoid them to reach trash, rivers and lakes and then decreasing the ecological damage which would be devastating. This give us the impulse to continue with our labor taking part in the ecological wellness.

About Us


To be a leader in the use of selected raw materials of animal, vegetable and mineral origin to satisfy the demand of the activated carbon market at a national and international level.


Getting known as the providing and innovating leader of animal origin products, even from animal, human, pharma, and other agricultural applications. Working in and stimulant and challenging environment, where it is impulse the open communication.


Respect Honesty Compromise Enthusiasm Loyalty Team collaboration Environmental responsibility Professional ethics


Protect our employees from all risks and related injuries through a mutual commitment of operators, supervision and management. It is our expectation that we all work towards a goal of zero accidents, assuming responsibilities to make safety an integral part of our habits.

Our Team

We count with a professional and specialized equipment in each of our business line. We bring solutions to each requirement of our customers, guaranteeing them to get the best results. 

Purchase Manager

Technical advisor Occident

Technical advisor Baja California North and South

Technical advisor Bajio

International Trade Executive

Sales Manager

Technical advisor Proteins

Technical advisor Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit

Technical advisor California, USA