MODE AND MECHANISM OF ACTION INTERCAT is a soil improver and a Cation exchanger rich in Phosphites, in powder form, it acts on crops: As a powerful fungicide against soil or vascular fungi (both preventively and curatively). As an enhancer of plant defenses (PHYTOALEXINS). As a metabolic activator in post-stress states. It promotes negative carbon emission because it sequesters carbon in the soil.
Make a stock solution with 11 lb of INTERCAT in 200 liters of water.
The mother solution is prepared 24 hours before, then it is filtered through a 200-micron mesh, having previously been shaken.
This solution is applied in a 1000 liter tank and applied in the irrigation system (drip or sprinkler).
Incorporate into the soil before mulching and water regularly
You have no time restrictions to enter the treated surfaces. It is not harmful to the operator, the environment or the beneficial fauna.
When applying INTERCAT do not mix with other products.
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